Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Homemade Tomato Sauce!

I received 20 pounds of tomatoes a few weeks back.  My Mumah always made a huge batch of tomato sauce each year in the beginning of September with tomatoes she purchased from a nearby farm.  I was excited to make the sauce myself this year.

To get rid of the skin, I had to boil each tomato for 30 seconds then place them in ice, this way the skin peeled right off and didn't burn my fingers.

My tomato destruction station.  A bowl of ice to place the hot tomatoes into, then I cut out the core, scraps to the left, chopped tomatos in the measuring cup.

In the end I had 30 cups of chopped tomatoes and a very messy kitchen.

I threw the 30 cups in my huge pot with the rest of the ingredients and let it simmer for 3 hours.

Now I have 10 meals of sauce in the freezer.  You should come over for spaghetti this winter!

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