I finished sculpting the Monsanto hand. Next I will sculpt the farmer's hand. I might do a bit more to his sleeve and the base. (excuse the messy apartment in the background...it's too hot to pick it up!)
I worked on the farm for the third time Tuesday. I harvested kohlrabi, washed green onions, kohlrabi, and fennel, pulled some prickly and large weeds from the green peppers, and bagged some potatoes for the CSA. It was super hot but I enjoyed it anyway. I have a lot of respect for farmers...I can't decide if I could do that everyday in that kind of weather. I have been considering interning on a farm but with weather like this it makes it hard for me to want to do it everyday! But anyways, I love washing the dirt off those veggies, and freeing them of weeds, and pulling the root veggies from the ground, and getting super dirty. I haven't found something this exciting for me in a while. I can't wait to go back Tuesday and I might start going Fridays as well.